Innovative Hosts Safety Recognition Party
This past weekend, Innovative took some time to recognize all the hard work and dedication that our employees have committed to staying safe in the workplace! Over the past three years, the Innovative Safety Program has been completely revamped and re-imagined. Our Field, Manufacturing, and Office employees have all come together to contribute different ideas to the program. The ultimate goal is to empower employees, making them more knowledgeable about safety, sustainability, and workplace hazards.
The Safety Recognition Party for Manufacturing was held at the Mill Street Grill in Staunton, Virginia for manufacturing employees & office employees, plus their families. We had a fun night filled with teambuilding, camaraderie, and thought-provoking safety discussions. Later in the evening, we broke everyone up into teams and held a trivia contest, which was won by Rick McEniry, Zach Clasbey, and Hugo Martin. Congrats again to those guys!
For our field employees, they were treated to dinner at their local Olive Garden, where they, too, participated in a trivia contest. These dinner groups in the field ranged in size from anywhere from four to 27 people at one location. The winner of that contest was Table 3 from our Houston team: Gerardo Valdez, Ivan Rodriguez, Martin Vega, Nason Rice, Cole, Francis, Zach Thompson, Shawn Tabor, Derek McQuain, and Steve Taylor.