Innovative Participates in OSHA National Stand-Down
Innovative has participated in OSHA’s National Safety Stand-Down for a 4th consecutive year! OSHA annually sets a week aside to encourage employers to take a break and focus on fall hazards and the importance of fall prevention and protection. Falls continue to be the leading cause of work-related deaths in construction, so the Safety Stand-Down is an important time to set aside a moment to talk about fall prevention in great detail!

This year, a custom Toolbox Talk written by Innovative’s Safety Manager was reviewed with all Innovative personnel on active construction sites and in the manufacturing shop. It included information on the fall protection system components, how to fit a harness properly, and differences between fall restraint and fall arrest. Afterwards, employees were given a demonstration on how to inspect all of the fall protection gear and ladders then set loose to perform inspections on all fall protection equipment onsite.

Thankfully falls do not happen often, but when they do we must be prepared with good PPE, training, and correct work practices to make employees are protected from fatal falls! In 2017, 366 construction fatalities were due to falls from elevation but with events like these, we can continue to drive this number down!