How an Innovative Employee Earned RAI Certification
We are excited to announce Ken Johnson’s RETA Authorized Instructor (RAI) certification. To earn RAI status, Ken attended an off-site RETA RAI course in Oregon, submitted lesson plans from his curriculum, passed a comprehensive exam developed by RETA, and received explicit approval from the RETA Board of Directors. With the difficult nature of this certification and the commitment to education required to achieved it, Ken joins an impressive short list of qualified instructors. Fewer than 20 people nationwide are RAI certified.
To maintain his RAI certification, Ken needs to receive excellent evaluations from classroom students, log continuous improvement hours, track industry standards, and submit materials to RETA annually.
Ken instructs all Operator-level courses (Ammonia Refrigeration, HAZWOPER, CARO, CIRO, and a comprehensive course focused on electrical work). He also teaches upper-level and niche classes, like Industrial Refrigeration Energy Specialist or Incident Command.
Congratulations to Ken on this great achievement!