Innovative Stays Cool with Georgia Robots
Innovative Refrigeration went to work in 2018 at an automated warehouse owned by our client in Georgia. Our project manager was extremely excited to work for robots.
We were contracted for an expansion at their Automated Storage and Retrieval System warehouse in Macon, Georgia. Innovative won the contract in the summer of 2017 and got to work soon after.

Conceptually, our work in Macon was straightforward enough. Innovative was tasked with building and mounting a series of nine penthouses on top of the facility. That’s the sort of thing we’re contracted to do all the time. No big deal.
However, the building itself is much larger than most of the facilities we work at. Because the warehouse operates via ASRS, it’s noticeably taller than other warehouses that would rely on a human staff to retrieve stored items. This Macon location is a full 130 feet tall, which meant positioning penthouses on the roof included an added wrinkle of complexity.
Instead of our normal scissor lift routine, our team built stands and installed the duct work on the ground before lifting the units onto the top of the building with a large crane.

Many of our other project details in Macon were by the book. The project included a fully fleshed-out ammonia refrigeration system with two low-stage compressors, six hanging evaporators on the dock, and one evaporative condenser. We even installed redundant evaporators for a new freezer room that was 45 feet tall!
As with all of our projects, our manufacturing and field teams did an incredible job creating and installing high-quality products that were specifically tailored for our client.
Thanks to Innovative Refrigeration Systems, those nice, friendly robots can stay cool!